Saturday, December 10, 2022

China Covid-0 policy

As a response to the recent demonstrations of protest against the Covid-0 policy,  China is starting to relax some of the measures such as lockdowns and mass testing. I think it's a major mistake. The western supporters of this move are forgetting that we can objectively consider the pandemic to be over only thanks to the massive success of western vaccines which prevent hospitalization, serious illness and death. China doesn't have them. They have their own vaccine which is really ineffective and much of the population is not vaccinated, particularly the old people. To allow for some sort of natural immunization now, when the virus is wandering freely across the globe, would be a disaster for China. Unless, of course, this is how they plan to solve their aging population problem...

Friday, December 9, 2022


A beautiful short story of Nikos

Montessori Education

“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”

Maria MontessorI

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Mohsen Shekari coverage

Iran has executed Mohsen Shekari. I wanted to know what was the official charge. So I go to Associated Press where I read Mizan said Shekari had been arrested on Sept. 25, then convicted on Nov. 20 on the charge of “moharebeh,” a Farsi word meaning “waging war against God." Hm, not clear what he actually did. Just above it reads Shekari was accused of [...] attacking with a machete a member of the security forces. Ok, he was accused of that, but was that what he was guilty of? Doesn't say.

Maybe BBC is better: On 1 November, the court found Shekari guilty of fighting and drawing a weapon "with the intention of killing, causing terror and disturbing the order and security of society" and convicted him of "enmity against God". So, he was guilty of fighting but was convicted of enmity? What's the difference between "guilty of" and "convicted of"?

I'm sure CNN explains everything: He was reportedly convicted of “waging war against God” for stabbing a member of the Basij paramilitary force.

I highly doubt that that police officer was God himself, so the only rational explanation is that today's journalism is dead. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

GM opens EV factory in Ontario

Trudeau and Ford made a big deal, as usual, of this event. I predict that in less than three years this is going to prove to be a disaster, the way of the ethanol and the biodiesel. EVs are just the new hoopla politicians around the world love to exhibit when go on new spending sprees. Ford says "The market dictates and the market’s going to be EV". But the provincial and federal governments each invested $259 million. How exactly is this "the market"? And that is not investing, that's spending. If it was investing private entities would do it. The federal government offers up to $5,000 off the cost of new electric cars. Is that supposed to be investing as well? It's just more manipulation of the market, so that when the entire EV global scheme collapses they have the market to blame it on. At a time when people are struggling to find ways to spend less and save money to fight rising cost of living and interest rates, politicians throw more than half a billion dollars at their cosmic vision.

Gay rights VS religious rights

Again, in the news, an issue that the Supreme Court is having a hard time to decide on. A web designer refuses to offer her services for a gay wedding because it goes against her religious beliefs. What's the Court to do? Are religious rights more important than gay rights? They said yes a few months ago in the case of the religious cake maker. Should they say yes again? Maybe not, to make it even. But then she says that the web site conveys a message with which she disagrees, as opposed to a simple cake. But that's open, upfront discrimination. Who's right, who's wrong? What do they do? What a conundrum! 🙂

What I think they'll do is they'll come up with a pragmatic 5-4 split decision in her favor, just because there are more religious people than gay, and then hope gays don't riot. If they do, then they'll say it's a matter for each State, just like they did with Roe vs Wade. Problem solved, taxpayer dollars well spent.

What they should do, however, is not easy. That's because the entire system of antidiscrimination laws is built on quicksand. First, there are no religious or gay rights. There is only one right which all individuals have, regardless of their [fill in the blanks] - the right to be left alone. The job of the government is to protect that right, to make sure people are left alone. So it's a no-brainer that she's right. Not because her religion trumps their sexual orientation, but because she doesn't want to do it. Just leave her alone. It's that simple. It should be that simple. Second, discrimination should be forbidden only to the government, not to individuals. Individuals are equal only before the law, they are not and cannot be equal in how everybody else sees them. Individuals should be allowed to discriminate at will.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Chat GPT

I just found out about Chat GPT from Open AI, and I think it's pretty cool. I had a few exchanges with it and this one I found the most striking. It's the first time I had the impression that it truly understands what I'm saying.
Open sidebar

Bogdan Florescu
Are you still there?

Yes, I am still here. I am a large language model trained by OpenAI, and I am designed to assist users with their questions and provide information on a wide range of topics. I don't have the ability to browse the internet or access external information, so I can only provide information based on my training. Is there something I can help you with?

Bogdan Florescu
If a trin is a tron and a bish is a trin, does that mean that a tron is a bish?

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you are referring to. Can you please provide some context or explain what you mean by "trin" and "bish"? I don't have any information on these terms, and I am not able to browse the internet to look them up. I can only provide information based on my training, which is focused on a wide range of general knowledge topics.

Bogdan Florescu
They are only made up concepts. I am testing your ability to identify syllogisms.

Ah, I see. In that case, I'm afraid I cannot help you with your question. As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I am not designed to evaluate syllogisms or logical arguments. I am a text-based conversational AI, and my primary function is to assist users with their questions and provide information on a wide range of topics. I don't have the ability to evaluate logical arguments or make deductions based on abstract concepts. Is there something else I can help you with?

Try again

Free Research Preview: ChatGPT is optimized for dialogue. Our goal is to make AI systems more natural to interact with, and your feedback will help us improve our systems and make them safer.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Qatar VS Canada

No, this is not about soccer. Woke Trudeau denied Germany a multibillion dollar LNG deal. So, they got it from Qatar. What did Trudeau accomplish? Nothing as far as climate change is concerned, the Germans will burn just as much fossil fuel. The  difference is that instead of being invested in the Canadian economy the money will now support the Qatari regime. Well done, dum-dum! In case you didn't know, this is what the money is going to be used for:

- In some cases in Sharia-based family courts, a female's testimony is worth half a man's and in some cases a female witness is not accepted at all.
- Flogging is used in Qatar as a punishment for alcohol consumption or illicit sexual relations.
- Adultery is punishable by death.
- Apostasy (the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief) is a crime punishable by the death penalty.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Inflation fighting cheques???

"Quebec's rollout of inflation-fighting cheques begins in December" says the title in The Gazette. What exactly is fighting inflation? The cheques?? Can't be. So, we go in and find out: "... [distributed to] 6.5 million Quebecers to fight the effects of inflation". Oh, ok, to fight the EFFECTS of inflation. Not inflation itself. Who cares about inflation? What's important is to give voters the illusion that things are not that bad. As Pierre Poilievre says "where is the money coming from?" Most likely freshly printed by the feds, causing more inflation, causing another set of cheques to fight its effects, backed by freshly printed money, causing...

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

DailyWire+ will make Atlas Shrugged series

DailyWire+ has acquired exclusive film and television rights to Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” and will develop a series based on the groundbreaking 1957 novel. Great 🙂. However, DailyWire+ is Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro and other religious conservatives. It will be interesting to see how they will manage to deal with Ayn Rand's militant atheism. Either they'll distort the characters and present them as being religious and make it a lie, or they'll just reduce them to advocates of the free market and make it boring. Either way, just remember: Objectivism is atheist and is not libertarian.