Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Young generations' view on retirement

According to the Financial Post 

(Younger generations) are looking for flexibility, personalization and control over their future, rather than feeling controlled by conventional wisdom"

That's nice. Not sure what 'controlled' means in this context, but OK. So, how do you guys see retirement?

"Many millennials and generation Z Canadians are aiming for a modern form of retirement that allows the pursuit of personal and professional passions throughout their adult lives, instead of a linear career path to retirement, the study said. This could mean a hybrid mix of work, travel, volunteering and entrepreneurial pursuits, or all of the above."

That's wonderful! Go for it πŸ’― Good luck πŸ€. Not sure why make the distinction between work and entrepreneurial pursuit, I guess entrepreneurial actually means hobbies and passions. Which is quite all right. The only problem I see, but it might just be me, is that travel, volunteering and the pursuit of hobbies don't make money. Quite the contrary, I'd say. How are you going to finance all that, if you only work every once in a while?

"More than half of all respondents feel that investing has given them more flexibility and choice than they could have imagined"

Oh, I see! πŸ€”πŸ˜³ Bad news on the investing front. First, a big chunk of what you perceive as return on investment is pure inflation, it barely keeps up with the cost of living. Second, investing works only if value is produced, which requires... um... work. And third, what are you going to invest IN? Energy, which is destroying the environment? AI, which is stealing your jobs? Manufacturing, which enslaves poor and disabled orphans? Big Pharma, which exploits the sick? Or maybe in some socially conscious, DEI driven, ESG modelled Government bonds? Just a heads up - the Government produces no new value, it only redistributes the existing one, while consuming lots of it in the process.

There actually is good news for you. My (old) generation only had automatization and robots who saved us from doing a lot of physical work. Your generation will have AI who is going to do the thinking for you as well. Your plan might actually work πŸ‘ŒAren't you lucky? 😌

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