Thursday, July 6, 2023

Panne de courant

Today in Montreal there was a "generalized power outage" affecting hundreds of thousands of inhabitants. Hydro Québec explained that a safety switch was automatically activated, the cause of the activation is being investigated.

That is what they say. Here is what actually happened. And what will happen tomorrow.
It takes him about .3 seconds to figure out what the truth is, and another .2 seconds to decide to go against it. The President of Hydro Québec knows that all the other six people sitting at the table have already done the same, reached the same conclusion and took the same decision. But the meeting must go on. They must go through the motions, dance the dance. There is time to be spent, forms to be filled, a back to watch, an ass to cover. "It's going to take about a couple of hours" he says to himself, reaching for the pot of fresh coffee. In front of each participant sit hard copies of two documents. A two page request from the Government of Québec to have 5000 new electric vehicle chargers installed across the province, and the 450 page feasibility study from Hydro Québec's Technical Department. He read the study's first two paragraphs and knew right away that it's just a copy-paste of the study they produced in the winter. He never read it, but there's no need to, he knows exactly what it says. It says that there's no fucking way in hell the grid is going to hold when the temperature goes above X or below -Y. It's only the X and the Y that the Head of the Technical Department modifies in each new revision. Does he actually calculate those figures or he just subtracts 1 from each end every six months or so? Probably the latter, there's no reason why he wouldn't just go through the motions as well. So, most likely he did not take into account the new requirement to have most chargers installed "particularly in disadvantaged areas". It doesn't matter, no one can blame him. After all he's the one who's going to take the fall. He always does and he doesn't seem to mind. Of course, it's easy for him, he's a techie, he can't be cancelled. At least not yet. For us, on the other hand, it's not that simple. We have to tread lightly not to upset that delicate balance between a hefty bonus and the wrath of the Head of the newly created Bureau of Social Justice. Hm... why do I think of it as a delicate balance? This is not even a balance, let alone delicate! It's not like they have approximately equal weights! This is a no-brainer. I have to find another metaphor... Only twenty minutes have passed. At least another hour and a half to go. The lady presenting the Power Point mumbles something about racial inequalities. He reaches again for the coffee pot. Ninety... very... looong... minutes.
"My fellow citizens," says the Prime Minister of Québec, "the power outage we have experienced yesterday is only a warning nature gives us, a preview of what's to come. Global Warming... um... I mean, Climate Change isn't just a nuisance, it is an existential threat to mankind! Quebec is leading the global fight against it and we will not relent!" Hurrah! burst into frenetic applause the little imaginary loyal subjects in His head. "We have seen the future, and the future is electric!" Hurrah! they go again. "Quebec will invest $2.7 trillion gazillion into alternative energy and we will forbid internal combustion engine vehicles by 2030!"

"Tabarnak" say the Quebecers, "Aux prochaines élections, je vote pour la séparation"

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