1. "... the most catastrophic and wide-ranging impact of our disintegrating cryosphere is on the entire Earth: sea-level rise from melting glaciers and ice sheets".
From melting glaciers maybe. But ice sheets? Really? Here is a sixth grade science problem: In a glass there is water and a floating ice cube. What happens to the water level after the ice melts?
2. "... if global average temperatures settle at 2 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial baseline, the planet could be committed to more than 40 feet of sea-level rise"
Oh my God!!!! 😱 40 feet??!!! That's horrible! We must act now! And by now I mean right now, before we read the next sentence: " — a melt that would take centuries and reshape societies across the globe." Oh, centuries... How many? They don't say. I guess as many as needed to prove them right.
Who is funding these jokers? A quick search provides the answer: ICCI is funded by CCAC - Climate and Clean Air Coalition. Hm, more jokers. How do they get their money? Another search: UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme. God! Search again: "The Environment Fund, established already in 1973 by the UN General Assembly, is the core financial fund of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)". And what is this fund?? "... the main source of unrestricted funds, provided by Member States". Unrestricted???!!! Who are the Member States? "UNEP went from having a Governing Council of 58 Member States to an Environment Assembly, with universal membership that encompasses all 193 UN Member States." Noooo! Canada IS a member of the UN! So, I am the one funding all the jokers above. They might be the jokers, but I guess the joke is on me. 🥺
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